Love Chewed Off Its Leg EP
liner notes

I originally set out to record another LP, to be named Topanga. Eventually, for various reasons, I decided to split the music I had into two EPs: this one and one that will come out in a few months when I write three more songs for it. All of this stuff was written and recorded in 2003 from August to December. Carrie's vocals were recorded Christmas 2003. Mine were recorded in March of 2004. I'd been wanting to do an EP (I even thought about doing a Mnemonic Devices Christmas EP), and I was anxious to get some of these songs out instead of constantly postponing their release. The full title of this EP is Love Was Once Again Caught in a Bear Trap, Either By Accident or By Stupidly Stepping Into It, So Once Again It Was Forced To Chew Off Its Leg To Survive, Which It Always Manages To Do... Survive, That Is. But I like the abbreviated title better. The title didn't need to be longer than the EP. Anyway, somehow the title describes everything about the album, not that I can explain it perfectly. I might still call the next EP Topanga, or maybe that title will never be used (or maybe it will be the Charles Grodin of The Mnemonic Devices).

The cover photography was ripped off of Christa Erikson's website at I found that site for obvious reasons and was intrigued by the project but especially the photographs of the project. I wrote to ask her if I could use them, and she didn't write back, so I took that as a "yes." As is the case with lots of my covers, I'll change them in the future if anyone gets upset.

Copyright (c) Mar 2004 by The Mnemonic Devices and Love and Letters Music